Company Information

Welcome to the Privacy Policy of Younimo Services LLP, operating the website (referred to as the “Site”). Younimo Services LLP is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. Our registered office address is A-49,BHAIRAVA NAGAR KALYANPURA ROAD, NEW SANGANER – JAIPUR, 302020. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our practices, you can contact us via email at [Your Company Email].

Types of Personal Information Collected

When you use our website, we collect various types of information to provide and improve our services. This includes:

Information You Provide: When you register or use our services, you may need to provide personal details such as your name, contact number, email address, billing and shipping information, and other relevant details.
Automatically Collected Information: We may automatically track certain information, such as your IP address, browser information, and website usage patterns, to understand and enhance user experience.

Cookies and Tracking: We use cookies and similar technologies to analyze website traffic, personalize content, and improve our services. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.
Payment Information: If you make purchases through our website, we may collect payment details to process transactions securely. We use PCI-compliant payment processors for this purpose.
User-generated Content: If you engage in interactive features like message boards or product reviews, we may collect and retain the information you provide. Sensitive Information: We may collect sensitive personal data like passwords or financial information only when necessary for specific services, and we take appropriate measures to safeguard it.
Location and Other Data: With your consent, we may collect location data or other information to customize your experience and provide relevant services.

Purposes of Information Collection

We use the personal information collected for various purposes, including but not limited to:

Resolving Disputes and Troubleshooting: We may use your information to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, and promote safe transactions. Improving Services: Your information helps us understand user demographics and behaviors, allowing us to improve our services, content, and product offerings.

Customizing Experience: We personalize your experience on our website to meet your needs and preferences, providing a smooth and efficient user experience. Marketing and Communication: With your consent, we may send you targeted offers, product updates, and promotional communications tailored to your interests.

Analytics and Research: We collect and analyze demographic and profile data to improve our product and service offerings, conduct marketing research, and enhance user experience.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: We may use your information to meet legal or regulatory requirements, comply with governmental requests, or resolve disputes. Location-based Services: When you use location-based services, we collect and use location data to improve the design, functionality, and performance of our platform.

Internal Record Keeping: We use the information for internal record keeping and to improve our products and services.
Marketing Research: Periodically, we may contact you for market research purposes to customize our website and offerings according to your interests.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Here’s how we may share and disclose your information:

Third-Party Service Providers: We may engage third-party service providers to assist in operating our website. These providers will only have access to your information on a need-to-know basis and are bound by confidentiality obligations. Corporate Transactions: In the event of a corporate transaction such as an acquisition or transfer of business, customer information, including your personal information, may be transferred to the successor in interest.

Internal Sharing: We may share your personal information internally within our group entities and affiliates to provide you access to services and products offered by them, unless you opt-out.
Legal Compliance and Enforcement: We may disclose personal information to comply with legal obligations, enforce our user agreement, prevent fraudulent

activities, or respond to legal processes or governmental requests.
Third-Party Partners: Your information may be shared with trusted third-party service providers to facilitate services related to your purchases, such as payment processing or logistics. We ensure these providers adhere to industry security
st andards.
Security Measures: While we take measures to protect your information, including personal, financial, and sensitive data, it’s advisable to exercise discretion while providing such information online due to potential security breaches.
Non-Personal Information: Non-personal information may be shared with partners or third-party developers to improve their software, hardware, and services designed for use with our platform.

Data Security Measures

We prioritize the security of your personal information and have implemented robust measures to protect it:

Secure Server Software: When you access your account or place orders, our secure server software encrypts all information you input before transmitting it to us. We adhere to international standards and employ current internet security methods and technologies to safeguard your data.
Privacy Guarantee: We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. Access to your information is restricted to authorized personnel only, and any violation of our privacy and security policies is subject to disciplinary action.
Information Protection: Your personal information is stored within secured networks and accessible only by authorized personnel who require it for specified purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy. We employ industry-recognized security standards and continually update our systems to mitigate risks associated with data transmission over the internet.

While we strive to maintain the security of your information, it’s important to note that no system can guarantee complete security. By using our platform, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with data transmission over the internet.

Cookie Usage

Our website uses cookies to provide personalized user experiences and track user preferences. Cookies help us tailor our website to your needs and interests. You can

choose to accept or decline cookies through your browser settings. Please note that disabling cookies may affect certain features and functionality of our website.

Links to External Websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, we do not have control over the content or privacy practices of these external sites. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide while visiting such sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these external websites before providing any personal information.

Controlling Personal Information

You have the right to:
Opt-Out: You can choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
Access: You can request access to the personal information we hold about you and make corrections if necessary.
Withdraw Consent: If you have previously given consent for the use of your personal information, you may withdraw it at any time.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this privacy policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be reflected on this page, and we encourage you to review it periodically for updates.
Thank you for trusting [Your Company Name] with your personal information. We value your privacy and are dedicated to protecting it.